Thursday, 28 August 2008

Picture-perfect Perth

We farewelled Bron and Steve and left the UK bound for Perth. We were a mixture of emotions - Matt couldn't contain his excitement, at last he was going home; and I, well, I wished we were flying somewhere else, like Croatia, or Turkey, or Poland. Wasn't quite ready for Australia. But in the end Perth was perfect.

We'd been out of Australia for so long that it felt like we were visiting for the first time. But with a sense of familiarity. And the cul-de-sac was the perfect place to get over our jetlag, our 12 months away, and realise that coming home isn't quite so bad after all really. Especially when we had 8 days (count them, 8) of glorious sunshine! And the bestest hosts ever!!

Our 10 days in Perth were jam packed, we went:
- cycling around Rottnest Island
- on a Swan Valley river and wine cruise
- walking through the botanical gardens around Kings Park
- chilaxed and pampered ourselves
- had quite a few chimney parties
- dining on the waterfront at Hillarys

Such a great stay in Perth and the best way to ease back into coming home.

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