Earlier in the year I met up with a couple of soccer chicks and after a few ciders we decided that it would be totally awesome to meet up and go for a holiday to Barcelona and stay with our friends Beth and Jules. So it was set and decided that it would be girls only week away (but that was okay given that Matt has never had any interest in going to Spain).
And what a holiday! Beth and Jules live in a district called Barceloneta which is approximately 5 minutes walk from the beach. Jules works in a coffee shop right on the sand and Beth rides tourists around in her rickshaw - what a lifestyle! KatyB, Pickle, and I were very very jealous!
We arrived at about 11pm to no Beth. We had to figure out somewhere to stay for the first night as we couldn't get a hold of Beth on her mobile or facebook. What the?! Although in hindsight we were very happy with ourselves for not freaking out. When you've got two pedantic planners (KatyB and me) and a free spirit in your group (Pickle) freak outs are bound to happen. But we were quietly impressed that this wasn't the case.
After we stayed in a hostel that smelled like boys feet (eew!) we managed to find Beth riding her rickshaw happily oblivious to the fact that she had three visitors roaming La Ramblas desperate for somewhere to call home for the week. Gosh!
The rest of the week went quite normally - sight-seeing (Gaudi's church), drinking (1 euro sangria and san miguel beer), eating (chocolate con churros, paella, tapas, all so delish!) and chilaxing (being ridden along the beach front on a rickshaw in the sunshine). Right until the day when Beth wanted us to film her doing a few wheelies....everything was going fine when all of a sudden she didn't see the concrete block in front of her and, bam! She ended up with a wee bit of bloody broken nose. Oops! Poor Beth, and she was so happy with her new rickshaw hat (a wee pressie from us to her).
So a bit of an adventure for the soccer chicks. And after all of if the best part of the trip (for me) was getting home and realising that I got sunburnt - hoorah! Enough sunshine to actually get sunburnt. My arms aren't as white as what they were when I got to Barcelona, happy days!
And after sangrias on the beach, there's now talk of another trip before Matt and I go home but this time Matt wants to come (he was a bit jealous when I spoke of stories about rickshaws and sunshine) and we're thinking of going via San Sebasitan and Bilbao. For sure.