First stop: Edinburgh. And our friend Kimmi joined us there for the rest of the trip. Our hostel neighboured the Edinburgh Castle which helped a lot when we tried to find our way home a few times after beers a plus. "Just look for the Castle" - easy!
On our first night we were lucky enough to catch a live one man show. He was dressed in the awful tartan pants and played a banjo and a harmonica (sometimes at the same time!) and sang old time scottish tunes (some of which Ross and I recognised thanks to Ed's attempts!) and some more contemporary tunes. It was quite a sight and we had a great time - and came close to spending 15 quid on one of his CDs, as you do!
The city is beautiful, even on a dreary day - the cobble-stoned streets that were paved with Georgian style houses that don't look at all out of place. With statues commemorating all sorts of figure heads including the Duke of Wellington and David Livingstone, we felt we were constantly walking through a museum. Fantastic!
We took in an open top bus tour of Edinburgh and a walk around the castle. We attempted a pub crawl down Rose Street and added a few more of our own.
I also managed to spend a good 2 hours in the Scotland Registers Office tracking down copies of births, deaths, and marriage certificates to take back to Ed for addition to the Parker family history. It was uber interesting and I can appreciate how people can get really enthralled in tracing back family trees. I myself was happy to meet Ross and Matt at the pub afterwards for a well earned pint!
We fell in love with Edinburgh and highly recommend it to anyone visiting Scotland - not to be missed!