We´ve been typical tourists again and taken a double-decker bus tour, always a good way to see a city we don´t know too much about. Although we were a bit surprised when English-speakers could only sit on the bottom deck of the bus (were we being segregated from everyone else? Felt like it for a bit! LOL). We hopped on and off to see an aquarium and some lovely gardens with pretty blooming flowers, and a palace surrounded by greenery.
And I learnt that Dresden housed one of my favourite paintings - Sistine Madonna - bonus! So we had a bit of a cultured morning and went to the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister. We also visited the local brewery to discover if we really were over beer after Oktoberfest, and it turned out to be ... true! We could only stomach a pint before heading off again.
Today is a public holiday in Germany - Day of German Re-unification - which we only discovered when we took a walk to the brewery and discovered a bit of a festival going on. Lots of stalls selling all sorts of food - bratwursts, schnitzel, sweets, roasted nuts, cakes - delish. This time it was a bit of a mini-Ekka. It was nice.
We also managed to squeeze in a bit of not doing too much. We´ve both been suffering from a bit of a cold, so we figured some down-time was in order. Tomorrow we head to Berlin for a week. We´ve booked an apartment so that will be great - more home-cooked meals!
1 comment:
You'll have to keep your eyes open for my suburb - Köpenick - its in the south-east of Berlin. Used to be a whole city, but got merged with Berlin. I'd compare it to Logan but I don't much like that comparison...! There's also a castle on an island - Köpenicker castle. Apparently there's also a family shield with fish on it... Very excting ;-)
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