Wednesday 7 November 2007

Island living in Guernsey

We've really enjoyed our wee trip to wee Guernsey! It was great catching up with (and in Matt's case meeting) the Guernsey Parkers and Stevens' and Griffiths'! We've done so much as well over the last 5 days - gone on cliff walks and bike rides and celebrated birthdays and our first Guy Fawkes night - we're almost tired out!

Oh and one of the most exciting things happened to us - we had our first encounter with a famous person! Tony Robinson was on our flight from London and I saw him when we boarded but somehow Matt missed him (well he is pretty tiny). But when we got off the plane, I ducked into the bathroom and when I came out Matt was sat there one seat away from him. And it turns out he'd had a nice chat to him while I was in the bathroom because the airline had gone and lost our luggage - Matt and mine and Tony's (we're on a first name basis now!) and his partner's luggage didn't arrive from Gatwick. So we rubbed shoulders with famous people while filling in lost luggage forms. Unfortunately I didn't get in a "I have a cunning plan" line. Our bags did show up in the end though.

So what a start to our trip, hey! The next big event was meeting my little second cousin Gracie which happened the following day - oh *and* of course seeing my cousin Lisa and and her husband Jamie again :) Gracie is such the cutest and most chilled out baby I know! I tried to get her to say Stormy, but she just can't..yet!

The big party for my cousin Lyndsey's 30th was that night as well - such an awesome party. There were wigs, there was gambling, there was sing star, what more could you want!?! Matt and I didn't win anything in the blackjack or roulette unfortunately, but it was such a great night!

We spent the majority of the rest of our time in bikes as the weather was pretty perfect. And we managed to fit in a cliff walk that had some fantastic scenery. Oh *and* we went to our first Bonfire Night (for Guy Fawkes night) which was pretty impressive as well - tell you what though I've never been so close to fireworks before; I was a bit of a wuss and a bit scared! But it was good to watch while sampling some of the local fare - bean jar. Matt loved it.

So a great trip to Guernsey all round! Tomorrow we head to see my Mum's side of the family in Belfast via Manchester - just had a look at our ticket and we spend more time in the airports than we do on the planes...gosh!

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